Total Knockout Fitness
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Are you ready to square off with the champion of total-body workouts? Prepared to burn calories, increase power and strength, sculpt muscles and transform your body? Then step into the ring with Total Knockout Fitness.
Martin McKenzie, coach and advisor to world and business leaders, celebrities and top athletes, and Stefanie Kirchner, nutrition and holistic health therapist, team up to share their highly touted program that has produced amazing results for some of today’s highest-profile athletes and stars.
In this special package, you’ll learn how to combine boxing, cardio, and cross-training to create a fast-paced program that works your entire body. With full-color photos, step-by-step descriptions of essential punches and combinations, and a DVD of workouts, variations and training tips, Total Knockout Fitness contains everything you need in order to begin the program and change your life.
You’ll learn how to incorporate high-tempo movements and engage the core and upper- and lower-body muscles to burn fat and increase strength, flexibility, agility and cardiorespiratory endurance. And using rapid-fire moves, you’ll not only tone muscles but also enhance mind–body awareness, reduce stress and boost energy levels.
Ideal for home or gym, with routines that can be performed solo or with a partner, the blend of boxing, cardio and cross-training is a fun and challenging yet unconventional program that works.
If you’re ready to achieve that knockout body, look no further than Total Knockout Fitness.
Round 1 Equipment
Round 2 Knowing Your Opponent
Round 3 Tipping the Scales in Your Favour
Round 4 Warm-Ups
Round 5 Form and Footwork
Round 6 The Punch Precision
Round 7 Total-Body Training
Round 8 Flexibility
Round 9 Cardio
Round 10 Weight Loss
Round 11 Toning and Shaping
Round 12 Strength and Power
Round 13 Going the Extra Round
Integrating footwork skills into your stance and guard
Three ultimate cardio booster workouts