Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity-3rd Edition
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Author
- Excerpts
Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity, now entering its third edition, attests to author Don Hellison’s ability to shape and develop character and responsibility in children. Perhaps the success of Hellison’s book can be attributed to his status not only as a highly respected scholar-activist but as a teacher who worked in the trenches with inner-city kids.
Kids in any situation will benefit from the thoroughly updated material in this edition, which presents practical, proven, easy-to-implement ideas for teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) in school, after school, and in alternative settings. It also supplies direction in teaching affective and social moral goals, an in-depth look into teaching character development and values, and a method for helping students develop personal and social responsibility.
Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity offers much new material:
• Strategies for alternative schools, afterschool programs, and the emerging youth development movement
• Vignettes sprinkled throughout the chapters, written by TPSR instructors in various settings
• Several chapters that have been completely overhauled
• An expanded assessment chapter to help readers evaluate the impact of TPSR on their kids and apply the strategies
• One new chapter on combining responsibility-based youth development with teacher preparation in physical education
In addition, the book features “Kid Quotes” to help readers understand how kids respond to the TPSR approach, as well as forms and charts to help readers put the ideas and strategies to use.
The result is a field-tested book that is the accepted curricular model in the field—and a resource that will enable teachers to help their students grow into solid citizens both personally and socially.
Supplemental text for college PE methods or curriculum courses; primary text for class management, behavior management, and teaching responsibility courses. Resource for K-12 PE teachers, classroom teachers, youth workers, administrators, and coaches who inspire to build character.
Part I: Ideas
Chapter 1. What’s Worth Doing?
What’s Worth Doing in Our Professional Lives?
Birth of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility
Toward a Working Theory-in-Practice
After-School, Youth Development, and Alternative School Programs
Influence of Related Social and Educational Issues
There Are No Silver Bullets
Chapter 2. A Framework for Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility
Core Values
Levels of Responsibility
Program Leader Responsibilities
Daily Program Format
Other Aspects of the TPSR Framework
Chapter 3. Levels of Responsibility
Progression of Levels
Cumulative Levels
Five Levels
Level Modifications
Levels and Empowerment
Part II: Strategies
Chapter 4. Daily Program Format
Program Leader Responsibilities and the Daily Format
Relational Time
Awareness Talk
Physical Activity Plan
Group Meeting
Reflection Time
Chapter 5. Embedding Responsibility in the Physical Activity Content
Physical Activity Content
Strategy Progression
Level I Strategies
Level II Strategies
Level III Strategies
Level IV Strategies
Level V Strategies
Chapter 6. Strategies for Specific Problems and Situations
Fattening Our Bag of Tricks
Level I: Individual Discipline Problems
Level I: Conflict Resolution Strategies
Level II: Teaching by Invitation
Level III: Struggles With Empowerment
Level IV: Helping and Leadership Problems
Level V: Specific Problems Outside the Gym
Chapter 7. Being Relational With Kids
Four Relational Qualities
Having the Courage to Confront
Relational Qualities and Relational Time
Program Leader Qualities and Skills
Teaching Students With Different Cultural Backgrounds
Part III: Implementation
Chapter 8. TPSR in Physical Education Teacher Education: One Teacher’s Explorations
Teaching TPSR in Physical Education Teacher Education
Site-Based Practicum or Internship
Conference Workshop or Short Course
One-Week Intensive Elective
Semester-Long Elective
Within a Required Activity Course
Within a Required On-Site Undergraduate Methods Course
Required Methods Course in an After-School Program
Framework for a Teacher Education Program
Summary Thoughts
Chapter 9. Coaching Clubs and Other TPSR Structures
Coaching Clubs
Cross-Age Teaching and Leadership
TPSR in Organized Sport
Responsibility-Based Fitness Centers
TPSR on the Playground and at Recess
TPSR in the Classroom
Schoolwide Adoptions of TPSR
Chapter 10. Getting Started
First Steps
Advanced Steps
Teaching as a Subversive Activity
Chapter 11. Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Student Assessment
Teacher Evaluation
Program Evaluation
Tips for resolving conflicts in physical activity settings