Sport Psychology for Coaches
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Author
- Excerpts
We marvel at the steely nerves, acute concentration, and flawless execution exhibited on the 18th green, at the free-throw line, in the starting blocks, and on the balance beam. While state-of-the-art training regimens have extended athletes’ physical boundaries, more and more coaches are realizing the importance of sport psychology in taking athletic performance to new levels. Tomorrow’s record-breaking accomplishments will not be the result of athletes’ training harder physically, but of athletes’ training smarter mentally.
Sport Psychology for Coaches provides information that coaches need to help athletes build mental toughness and achieve excellence—in sport and in life. As a coach, you’ll gain a big-picture perspective on the mental side of sport by examining how athletes act, think, and feel when they practice and compete. You’ll learn to use such mental tools as goal setting, imagery, relaxation, energization, and self-talk to help your athletes build mental training programs. You’ll also see how assisting your athletes in developing mental skills such as motivation, energy management, focus, stress management, and self-confidence leads to increased enjoyment, improved life skills, and enhanced performance. And you’ll discover how to put it all together into mental plans and mental skills training programs that allow your athletes to attain and maintain a mind-set that fosters peak performance.
The easy-to-follow format of the text includes learning objectives that introduce each chapter, sidebars illustrating sport-specific applications of key concepts and principles, chapter summaries organized by content and sequence, key terms, chapter review questions, a comprehensive glossary, and other useful resources to help readers implement mental training programs for athletes.
Written primarily for high school coaches, Sport Psychology for Coaches is a practical, easy-to-use resource reflecting the two authors’ combined 45 years of teaching, coaching, researching, and consulting experience. It reflects principles that are not only consistent with the latest theory and research, but have stood the test of time and worked for coaches and athletes in all sports at all levels. You’ll come away from Sport Psychology for Coaches with a greater understanding and appreciation for sport psychology and the practical knowledge you need to put it to work for you and your athletes.
Sport Psychology for Coaches serves as the text for the American Sport Education Program Silver Level course, Sport Psychology for Coaches.
ASEP Silver Level Series Preface
Part ICreating a Solid Foundation
Chapter 1Coaching Philosophy
Developing a Positive Coaching Philosophy
Understanding Competition and Using It Constructively
Chapter 2Communication
What Is Communication?
Sending Effective Messages
Attentive Listening
Conflicts and Confrontations
Chapter 3Introduction to Mental Skills Training
Psychological Factors and Performance Excellence
Does MST Work?
The MST Approach
Roadblocks and Myths Surrounding MST
Developing MST
Part IIDeveloping Mental Training Tools
Chapter 4Goal Setting
What Are Goals and Why Use Them?
Characteristics of Effective Goals
Making Goals Work: The Goal Implementation Process
Developing Athletes’ Goal-Setting Skills
Chapter 5Imagery
What Is Imagery?
Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Imagery
Using Imagery Effectively
Developing an Imagery Training Program
Chapter 6Relaxation and Energization
What Is Relaxation?
Relaxation Strategies
What Is Energization?
Energization Strategies
Developing Athletes’ Relaxation and Energization Skills
Chapter 7Self-Talk
What Is Self-Talk?
How Self-Talk Works
Positive Versus Negative Thinking
Optimizing Self-Talk
Developing Athletes’ Smart-Talk Skills
Part IIIEnhancing Mental Skills
Chapter 8Motivation
What Is Motivation?
Athletes’ Needs and Intrinsic Motivation
Impact of Rewards
Handling Success and Failure
Creating a Mastery-Oriented Motivational Atmosphere
Chapter 9Energy Management
Understanding Energy Management
How Does Arousal Affect Performance?
Why Underarousal and Overarousal Impair Performance
Determining Optimal Energy Zones
Mental Side of Arousal
Developing Athletes’ Energy Management Skills
Chapter 10Attention
Understanding Attention
Attentional Capacity
Selective Attention
Sustaining Focus: Concentration
Implementing an Attentional Skills Program
Chapter 11Stress Management
Understanding Stress
Stress Management
Developing Athletes’ Stress Management Skills
Chapter 12Self-Confidence
Understanding Self-Confidence
Conceptualizing Self-Confidence
Boosting Self-Confidence
Developing Team Confidence
Developing and Maintaining Self-Confidence During Competition
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Confidence Booster or Deflator?
Developing Athletes’ Self-Confidence
Final Thoughts: Developing Ultimate Confidence
Part IVIntegrating Mental Training Tools and Skills
Chapter 13Mental Plans
Understanding Mental Plans
Types of Mental Plans
Role of Triggers, Releases, and Cue Words
Developing Mental Plans
Developing Athletes’ Mental Toughness Skills
Chapter 14Mental Skills Training Programs
Getting Started
Components of Effective MST Programs
Implementing a Basic MST Program
Appendix A: Answers to Review Questions
Appendix B: Relaxation and Energization Scripts
Appendix C: Test of Performance Strategies
References and Resources
About the Authors
Good communication skills are key to successful coaching
What communication means for a coach