Smarter Workouts Online CE Exam Without Book
- Description
Consisting of 60 multiple-choice and true-false questions, this continuing education exam is designed to be taken after reading Smarter Workouts. The exam will test your knowledge of the information presented in the book so you can prescribe results-producing workouts to your clients.
Once you pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the benefits of mobility training.
- Create workouts by organizing the variables of exercise program design to improve mobility, core strength, and metabolic conditioning.
- Identify different pieces of exercise equipment that can be used to design effective and efficient workouts.
- List the foundational patterns of human movement.
- Explain the difference between the contractile element and the elastic component of muscle.
- Describe how fascial structures function as integrated systems to organize and control movement.
- Demonstrate exercises that can be used to improve stability, mobility, dynamic balance, coordination, and strength.
- Identify the anatomical components of the core region of the human body.
- Describe the differences between linear and undulating periodization.
- Identify effective strategies for recovering from a challenging workout.
- Demonstrate effective strategies for exercising specific muscles.
Strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, athletic trainers, and other certified fitness professionals.