Run Healthy Online CE Exam Without Book
- Description
Consisting of 75 multiple-choice and true-false questions, this continuing education exam is designed to be taken after reading Run Healthy. The exam will test your knowledge of the information presented in the book so you can help prevent and treat the most common injuries for your track, road, and trailing running clients.
Once you pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the function and interplay of various muscles groups in and around the feet, toes, ankles, knees, hips, and low back.
- Describe the causes of common running injuries such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, shin splints, hamstring tendinitis and tendinopathy, and iliotibial band syndrome.
- Explain how to perform and progress rehabilitative measures for common running injuries.
- Explain how to prevent injury from occurring (or recurring) by incorporating exercises that improve resilience in running.
- Provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform each of the rehabilitative and preventive exercises.
- Modify training programs for running during and after injury.
- Use the principles of periodization to create a one-year training program that is designed for a particular goal.
- Incorporate drills for improving running form for the purpose of injury prevention.
- Describe the differences between general nutrition recommendations and those for runners.
- Discuss popular alternative therapies for healing and recovery from a science-backed point of view.
Certified fitness professionals and personal trainers working with runners, as well as physical therapists and athletic trainers.