Research Methods and Design in Sport Management 2nd Edition epub With Web Resource
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- Table of Contents
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- Excerpts
An invaluable resource for both students and practitioners, the text first helps readers understand the research process and then delves into specific research methods. Special attention is devoted to the process of reading and understanding research in the field, preparing readers to apply the concepts long after reading the text and learning the foundational skills:
- How to conduct a thorough literature review
- Theoretical and conceptual frameworks to guide the research process
- How to develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses
- Techniques for conducting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research
- Methods for analyzing data and reporting results
The second edition introduces a new section on emerging methods and trends in the field, including social network analysis (SNA) and sport analytics. Readers will be exposed to methods of SNA data collection and interpretation, as well as how to collect and analyze data and communicate the results of sport analytics research. A chapter dedicated to legal research in sport management provides a nonintimidating discussion of the unique elements evident in sport law research, such as legal precedence, case briefing, and special writing elements.
To ensure readers can effectively apply the research concepts presented, practical examples of past research by leading sport management scholars are incorporated throughout the text. At the conclusion of each chapter, a Research Methods and Design in Action feature presents excerpts from the Journal of Sport Management to serve as case study examples with noteworthy descriptions of the employed research methods. Each journal article is then featured in its entirety in the new companion web resource, along with discussion questions that may serve as additional learning activities to guide students through challenging concepts.
Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, Second Edition, presents the tools to engage in the broad spectrum of research opportunities in sport management. With the help of this book, readers will ensure that they properly collect, analyze, and share research to inform strategic business decisions.
A graduate or upper-level undergraduate text for research methods and research design courses in sport management programs. A reference for sport management researchers, academics, and sport management professionals.
Chapter 1. Research Concepts in Sport Management
Research Defined
Types of Research
Research Traditions
The Evolution of Sport Management Research
Chapter 2. Ethical Issues in Research
Protection of Human Subjects
Ethical Principles and Guidelines
Institutional Review Board
Informed Consent
Scientific Dishonesty
Part II. The Research Process
Chapter 3. Creation of Research Questions
Problem Selection
Literature Review
Development of a Conceptual Framework
Focusing of Research Questions
Identification of Variables
Clarification of Hypotheses
Chapter 4. Research Design
Types of Research Design
Determination of Sample Size
Chapter 5. Data Collection and Analysis
Nonresponse Bias
Preparation of Data for Analysis
Scales of Measurement
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Statistical Design
Drawing Conclusions
Chapter 6. Dissemination of Findings
Academic Conference Presentation
Academic Journal Selection
Manuscript Structure
Journal Publication Process
Evaluation of Journal Articles
Part III. Research Design in Sport Management
Chapter 7. Surveys
Internet Surveys
Questionnaire Development and Design
Types of Error
Chapter 8. Interviews
Interview Techniques
Interview Process
Data Analysis
Chapter 9. Observation Research
Methodological Foundations
Observation Site
Observer Roles
Autoethnography in Sport Management
Online Observation in Sport Management
Data Collection
Field Notes
Data Analysis
Chapter 10. Case Study Research
Applied Research Advantages
Defining Sport Management Case Study Research
Research Versus Teaching Case Studies
Design and Implementation
Research Preparation
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Case Study Report
Chapter 11. Historical Research
Academic Perspective
Practical Applications
Research Prerequisites
Topic Selection
Source Material
Data Analysis
Historical Writing
Chapter 12. Legal Research
Qualities of Legal Research
Nature of the Law and Legal Research
Legal Research Techniques
Sources of Legal Information
Design and Implementation
Part IV. Statistical Methods in Sport Management
Chapter 13. Analyses of Structure
Importance of Reliability and Validity
Cronbach’s Alpha
Exploratory Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Chapter 14. Relationships Between Variables
Bivariate Correlation
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Path Analysis
Chapter 15. Significance of Group Differences
Factorial ANOVA
Factorial ANCOVA
Factorial MANOVA
Factorial MANCOVA
Chapter 16. Prediction of Group Membership
Discriminant Analysis
Logistic Regression
Cluster Analysis
Part V. Emerging Methods and Trends in Sport Management Research
Chapter 17. Social Network Analysis in Sport
Background and History of Social Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis in Sport
Collecting Social Network Data
Analyzing Social Network Data
Strengths and Limitations of Social Network Analysis
Future Directions for Social Network Analysis in Sport
Chapter 18. Sport Analytics
Defining Sport Analytics and Its Process
Analytical Techniques and Metrics in Sport
Team and Player Performance Metrics
Sport Business Metrics
Sport Analytics Process Examples
Analyzing social network data
Begin the research process by choosing the right problem or topic to explore
Test package. Contains a bank of over 320 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice format.
Presentation package. Includes more than 450 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.
Web resource. Provides access to complete articles from the Journal of Sport Management to serve as case study examples. Each article is followed by three to five discussion questions that can be used as additional learning activities.