Physical Education for Homeschool, Classroom, and Recreation Settings
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- Table of Contents
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- Excerpts
Remember the days when, with very little equipment and just a few kids, you could have an endless amount of fun playing games?
Those days are back. And Physical Education for Homeschool, Classroom, and Recreation Settings: 102 Games With Variations adds a twist to those fun games: They are educational as well.
The 102 games and 10 dance and gymnastics activities in this book are specifically designed for small-group settings. They’re great for
• parents who homeschool or who simply want to supplement their children’s PE instruction and have fun with their kids;
• physical education teachers in small-school settings or who break their class into smaller groups; and
• leaders of after-school, recreation, intramural, and recess programs.
While the settings may change, the results don’t: Children learn skills and healthy concepts while playing games that keep them coming back for more.
Physical Education for Homeschool, Classroom, and Recreation Settings offers the following:
• Games and activities that are ready-made, easy and fun to play, and grounded in research
• Yearly lesson plans for grades K-5, making it easy for you to teach
• Games that are grounded in American Academy of Pediatrics research on the importance of play, the Canadian Sport for Life model, physical literacy, and the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach
The TGfU approach helps children learn interpersonal, social reasoning, and problem-solving skills, which they can apply to multiple situations. And as they take part in the fun physical activities, kids develop fundamental abilities and learn how to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle through regular physical activity.
The book includes a game finder to help you see what skills and equipment are involved for each game. Photos, illustrations, and easy-to-use components help make the games simple to teach, and you’ll be shown how to modify each game as needed for your children and to ensure the game applies to different sports. Each game ends with questions that lead to understanding the skills and concepts applied during the game.
Physical Education for Homeschool, Classroom, and Recreation Settings includes
• warm-up, cool-down, and fitness games;
• target, territory invasion, and net and wall games;
• dribbling, striking, and fielding games; and
• dance and gymnastics activities.
Whether you are looking for a useful PE book for your homeschooler or looking to supplement your physical education program, recreation program, or after-school or intramural program, this book is a great find. You’ll find it comprehensive, well grounded, and filled with challenging educational games that your kids will love.
Games book for homeschool parents, physical education teachers, and recreation program leaders.
Chapter 1. Understanding the Big Picture
Teaching Games for Understanding
Use of Questions
Teaching Suggestions
Equipment Suggestions
Overall Learning Expectations
Lesson Planning
Chapter 2. Warm-Up, Cool-Down, and Fitness Games
What Is Fitness?
Warm-Up and Cool-Down Cardio Activities
Warm-Up and Cool-Down Strength Activities
Chapter 3. Target Games
Shooting, Throwing, or Kicking
Passing (Football)
Chapter 4. Territory Invasion Games
Ball Control
Chapter 5. Net and Wall Games
Volleyball Pass
Chapter 6. Striking and Fielding Games
Striking and Throwing
Chapter 7. Dance
Dance Instructions: No Fear!
Dance Instructions Made Easy and Fun
Overall Movement Patterns
Creating Your Own Dances
More Formalized Dances
Chapter 8. Gymnastics
Skill Development for First to Fifth Grades
Other Types of Gymnastics
Using the Movement Themes and Variations
Lesson Format
Learn an offensive attack
Learn to play a game of Forearm Four Square