NPTI’s Fundamentals of Fitness and Personal Training PDF
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NPTI’s Fundamentals of Fitness and Personal Training makes the principles and theories of fitness accessible for all readers. Written in a conversational tone with real-life examples, this text helps students understand how the body works and responds to exercise. Readers will learn how to create exercise programs that allow their future clients to accomplish individual fitness goals.
This book combines technical detail with practical application in an engaging manner. Anatomical illustrations and photos provide further guidance on the science of personal training, complete with coverage of specific muscle systems and how to train them. Extensive information on essential nutrients, coupled with guidance on helping clients burn fat and build strength, helps future trainers take the sessions beyond simple workouts. Stories and examples lend insight into the scientific concepts, helping students to understand more complex topics. Legal considerations, including how to assess and classify clients and minimize risk, prepare readers for the realities of a career in personal training.
Step-by-step coverage of exercise program design takes the guesswork out of developing workouts and helps readers modify programs for special populations and clients dealing with injuries. Sample workouts designed by expert personal trainers cover key fitness training concepts and offer unique training ideas to keep exercise fun and effective for clients. Study questions at the end of each chapter help students assess their understanding of the material, and online access to a list of more than 3,000 references extends learning beyond the classroom. An instructor guide and presentation package plus image bank are available to instructors, helping them explore concepts from the text in the classroom.
NPTI’s Fundamentals of Fitness and Personal Training has been endorsed by the National Personal Training Institute (NPTI), the nation’s largest system of schools devoted to personal training education. NPTI’s mission is to prepare students to become personal trainers and fitness professionals. NPTI strives to provide a high-quality education experience that each student values and would recommend to peers.
Part I. Getting Started
Chapter 1. Components of Fitness
Chapter 2. Principles of Exercise
Chapter 3. Risk Stratification and Fitness Assessments
Chapter 4. Setting Goals
Chapter 5. Conducting a Personal Training Session
Part II. Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 6. Basic Anatomy
Chapter 7. Nervous System
Chapter 8. Energy Systems
Chapter 9. Endocrine System
Part III. Kinesiology and Biomechanics
Chapter 10. Biomechanics
Chapter 11. Upper-Body Anatomy
Chapter 12. Lower-Body Anatomy
Chapter 13. Anatomy of the Core
Part IV. Nutrition
Chapter 14. Macronutrients
Chapter 15. Metabolism, Water, Digestion, and Micronutrients
Chapter 16. Practical Application of Nutritional Knowledge
Part V. Key Concepts Related to Resistance Training
Chapter 17. Resistance Training Program Design
Chapter 18. Beginner Workout
Chapter 19. Squat
Chapter 20. Bench Press
Chapter 21. Deadlift
Part VI. Key Concepts Related to Other Modes of Exercise
Chapter 22. Aerobic Training Program Design
Chapter 23. Flexibility
Chapter 24. Power and Speed Development
Chapter 25. Advanced Concepts in Program Design
Part VII. Program Modification
Chapter 26. Training Special Populations
Chapter 27. Injury and Rehabilitation
Appendix A. Review Questions Answer Sheet
Appendix B. Exercise List
Appendix C. General Resume Format
Appendix D. Interviewing for Fitness-Related Jobs
Appendix E. Sample Introductory Workout
Appendix F. Sample Pricing
Appendix G. Calculating Lean Body Mass and Fat Weight
Appendix H. Skinfold Formulas
Appendix I. NPTI Resting Fitness Assessments
“This is an excellent resource for individuals preparing for a career in health and fitness. It provides the constructs for a classroom-based approach to learning the principles of personal training, and may also help prepare individuals for taking the national certification test.”
Doody’s Book Review (Jan 2015)
Modify exercise intensity to train different energy systems
Personal trainers should display leadership during training sessions
Instructor guide. Contains a sample syllabus, chapter outlines, and teaching ideas for instructors for each chapter in the text.
Presentation package plus image bank. Contains PowerPoint slides that highlight important material from the book. The image bank contains all figures, tables, and content-related photos from the text, sorted by chapter. For convenience, a blank PowerPoint template is also provided so instructors can quickly insert images from the image bank to create their own customized presentations.