Perspectives in Motor Behavior
Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Theoretical Constructs in Motor Behavior
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Stages of Skill Acquisition
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Assessing Motor Learning
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Infant Motor Development
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Fundamental Skills in Childhood
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Movement in Adulthood
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Physical Development
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Physical Aging
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Cognitive Development
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Psychosocial and Social–Affective Development
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Psychosocial and Cognitive Factors in Adulthood
From Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition
Sensory Contributions to Skilled Performance
From Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition
Motor Programs
From Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition
Principles of Speed, Accuracy, and Timing
From Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition
Performance of Complex Movements
From Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition
Introduction to Motor Learning
From Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition
The Motor Learning Process
From Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition
Interdisciplinary Nature of Qualitative Movement Diagnosis
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Models in Qualitative Movement Diagnosis
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Role of the Senses and Perception in Qualitative Movement Diagnosis
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Preparation: Gathering Relevant Knowledge
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Observation: Developing a Systematic Observational Strategy
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Evaluation and Diagnosis: Professional Critical Thinking
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Intervention: Strategies for Improving Performance
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Video Replay Within Qualitative Movement Diagnosis
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
Tutorials in Qualitative Movement Diagnosis
From Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement, Third Edition
From Clinical Mechanics and Kinesiology
Walking Gait
From Clinical Mechanics and Kinesiology
Running Gait
From Clinical Mechanics and Kinesiology
Pamela S. Haibach-Beach, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology, sport studies, and physical education (KSSPE) at the College at Brockport, State University of New York. Haibach-Beach earned her doctorate in kinesiology with an emphasis in motor behavior from Pennsylvania State University under the advisement of Dr. Karl M. Newell. She is the coordinator of the kinesiology major and the study abroad program in the KSSPE department.
Haibach-Beach’s research focuses on motor learning, motor development, and balance, including those of developing individuals, individuals with disabilities, and other special populations. Haibach-Beach regularly presents and conducts workshops at national and international conferences related to motor behavior. She is founder and codirector of the Institute of Movement Studies for Individuals With Visual Impairments (IMSVI).
Haibach-Beach serves as an elected board member for the American Kinesiology Association (AKA) and also chairs the AKA publications committee. She is a former president of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Motor Development and Learning Academy and is a member of the International Federation for Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA), the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America), International Society of Motor Control (ISMC), and the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA). Active in her community, Haibach-Beach serves as a cochair for an active-community initiative called Walk! Bike! Brockport! and is a Brockport Lions Club member.
In her free time, Haibach-Beach enjoys being physically active and spending time outdoors. She, her husband, and her two children reside in Brockport, New York. As both a researcher and a mother, she enjoys experiencing the growth and development of her two children.
Gregory D. Reid, PhD, is a professor emeritus in the department of kinesiology and physical education at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. A former elementary school physical education teacher and longtime youth coach in ice hockey and baseball, Reid obtained his graduate education in adapted physical activity, motor learning, and special education at the University of California (UCLA) and Pennsylvania State University. As a teacher and researcher, he maintained a strong focus on theory-to-practice applications. Reid’s research covered performance, learning, and development; spanned children to older adults; and included an emphasis of individuals with and without disabilities.
In addition to his teaching and research, Reid supervised practicum experiences of undergraduates teaching individuals with disabilities. He is a former undergraduate and graduate program director and chair of the department of kinesiology and physical education at McGill University.
In 1997, Reid received the G. Lawrence Rarick Research Award from AAHPERD’s National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities. He was elected an international member of the American Academy of Kinesiology in 1999. He is also a fellow of the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA) and the 2015 recipient of their Elly D. Friedmann Professional Contribution Award.
Reid and his wife, Carol, reside in Sainte-Adele, Quebec. They have two grown sons, Drew and Tyler. In his free time Reid enjoys hiking, bicycling, cross-country and downhill skiing, and reading novels. And he never tires of observing the motor development and learning accomplishments of his grandchildren, Jacob, Chloe, and Ethan.
Douglas H. Collier, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of kinesiology, sport studies, and physical education at the College at Brockport, State University of New York. Collier was a delegate to the Jasper talks (1985), a significant policy workshop that became the catalyst to Collier’s career-long interest in motor development. For the past three decades, his research agenda has examined various facets of motor development that pertain to the education of typically developing children and those with identifiable disabilities. He is also interested in positive and proactive solutions to challenging behavior in school-age learners. Collier has presented his research at multiple national and international conferences concerned with the study of motor development and pedagogy.
Over the course of his 24-year career in higher education, Collier has served in multiple leadership positions at local, state, and national levels. He is a member of the North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA), the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America), and the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA).
Collier holds a doctorate in human performance from Indiana University, where he studied under the advisement of Drs. Dale Ulrich, Beverly Ulrich, and Esther Thelen. In his free time, Collier enjoys racket sports, photography, and canoeing. He and his wife, Christine, reside in Brockport, New York. They have two grown daughters, Robin and Shannon.
Richard A. Schmidt, PhD (1941-2015) was a professor emeritus in the department of psychology at UCLA. At the time of his death, Schmidt ran his own business, Human Performance Research, conducting research and consulting in the area of human factors and human performance. Widely acknowledged as one of the leaders in research on motor behavior, he had more than 40 years of experience in the area of motor learning and performance.
The originator of both schema theory and impulse-variability theory (aka “Schmidt’s Law”), he founded the Journal of Motor Behavior in 1969 and was editor for 11 years. He authored the first edition of Motor Control and Learning in 1982 and the first edition of Motor Learning and Performance in 1991.
Schmidt was highly recognized for his contribution of a lifetime of research and writing. In recognition of his work, he received honorary doctorates from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium (in 1992) and the Université Joseph Fourier in France (in 1998). He was a longtime member of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), where he served as president in 1982 and received the organization’s two highest honors: the Distinguished Scholar Award for lifetime contributions to research in motor control and learning (in 1992) and the President’s Award for significant contributions to the development and growth of NASPSPA (in 2013). He was also a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and the Psychonomic Society and received the C.H. McCloy Research Lectureship from the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. His leisure-time passions included sailboat and Porsche racing.
Timothy D. Lee, PhD, is a professor emeritus in the department of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. He has published extensively in motor behavior and psychology journals since 1980, served as an editor for the Journal of Motor Behavior and Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, and has been an editorial board member for Psychological Review. Until his retirement in 2014, his research was supported primarily by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Tim has been a member, secretary-treasurer, and president of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) and a member of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), the Psychonomic Society, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. In 1980 Tim received the inaugural Young Scientist Award from SCAPPS, and in 2011 he was named a fellow of the society—its highest honor. He was named an international fellow by the National Academy of Kinesiology in 1999 and awarded the Distinguished Scholar Award by NASPSPA in 2017.
Tim is an avid golfer who competes in local, national, and international tournaments. He teamed with a good friend to win the Ontario Senior Better Ball Championship in 2017.
Duane V. Knudson, PhD, is a professor and chair of the department of health and human performance at Texas State University in San Marcos. He earned his PhD in biomechanics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and has held tenured faculty positions at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and California State University at Chico. Previously he served as associate dean and interim chair of the department of kinesiology at Chico State.
Knudson’s research in qualitative movement diagnosis (QMD) has garnered him an international reputation as an expert on the topic. He coauthored the first text on QMD, Qualitative Analysis of Human Movement, which has been translated into five languages. In addition to research on QMD, Knudson researches the biomechanics of tennis and stretching and the teaching and learning of biomechanical concepts.
Knudson has authored 3 books, 11 book chapters, and 24 refereed articles in scientific proceedings. He has received numerous grants for his work and has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles in journals, including the Journal of Applied Biomechanics, International Journal of Sport Biomechanics, Sports Biomechanics, International Journal of Sports Medicine, Sports Medicine, British Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Sports Sciences, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, European Journal of Applied Physiology, Sports Engineering, Gait & Posture, Research Quarterly for Exercise in Sport, and Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
An elected fellow of three scholarly societies, Knudson served on the editorial board of five journals and was the 2011 recipient of the Ruth B. Glassow Honor Award from the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). He has also served as vice president of publications for the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). He is also a member of the American Society of Biomechanics, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD).
He and his wife, Lois, reside in San Marcos. In his free time, Knudson enjoys reading and playing tennis.
Janice K. Loudon, PT, PhD, ATC, is an associate professor in the doctor of physical therapy division in the department of community and family medicine at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. She has more than 25 years of experience in clinical sports medicine and has worked as a physical therapy instructor for over 20 years. Previously, she was an associate professor and director of the doctorate of physical therapy (DPT) program at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. In 2007, Loudon was named an Outstanding Physical Therapy Faculty by the department of physical therapy education at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Loudon has published more than 25 articles in referred journals, written 4 book chapters, and coauthored two editions of The Clinical Orthopedic Assessment Guide (Human Kinetics, 1998, 2008). She is a frequent invited presenter at national, state, and local conferences and is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association. She resides in Durham, North Carolina. In her spare time she enjoys tennis, cycling, and gardening.
Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, MEd, SCS, ATC, CSCS, is an associate professor of physical therapy at Wichita State University. He earned a doctoral degree in physical therapy in 2006 from the MGH Institute of Health Professions. Manske was also a sport physical therapy fellow training under the guidance of George J. Davies in one of the first sport physical therapy residency programs. As a practicing physical therapist, Manske has over 18 years of clinical experience in orthopedic rehabilitation and actively researches knee and shoulder rehabilitation and sport performance enhancement.
Manske has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals, edited 3 home study courses, coauthored 12 home study course chapters, coauthored 30 book chapters, and authored or coauthored 5 books, all related to orthopedic or sport rehabilitation. He is a board-certified sport physical therapist, certified athletic trainer, and certified strength and conditioning specialist. He is also a member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association and the American Physical Therapy Association, where he serves as vice president of the Sports Section. Manske presents multiple weekend courses on various topics concerning the shoulder and knee and remains active in clinical practice.
He also serves as an associate editor for the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. He is a reviewer for several journals, including American Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy in Sports, Sports Health, Athletic Training and Sports Health Care, and Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.
In 2007, Manske received the Sports Section Excellence in Education Award from the American Physical Therapy Association. He also received the Kansas Physical Therapy Educator award from the Kansas Physical Therapy Association (2003) and the Rodenberg Teaching Award from the College of Health Professions at Wichita State University (2004).
Manske and his wife, Julie, live in Wichita. He enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, and watching collegiate and professional sports.
Michael P. Reiman, PT, DPT, MEd, OCS, SCS, ATC, FAAOMPT, CSCS, is an associate professor in the division of doctorate of physical therapy in the department of community and family practice at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. He also serves as an adjunct assistant professor in the department of physical therapy at Wichita State University and clinical faculty in the Duke University Medical Center manual therapy fellowship program.
Reiman has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals as well as 9 book chapters and 3 home study courses. He coauthored one text, Functional Testing in Human Performance (Human Kinetics, April 2009), with Robert C. Manske. He has given numerous presentations at national, regional, and local conferences.
Reiman is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association, American Academy of Orthopedic and Manual Physical Therapy, Kansas Physical Therapy Association, National Athletic Trainers’ Association, National Strength and Conditioning Association, and Alpha Eta Society. He serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Physical Therapy and is a member of the editorial boards for the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy and the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. He is a reviewer for several journals, including British Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, Clinical Anatomy, and Journal of Athletic Training.
Reiman is a level 1 track and field coach and a level 1 Olympic weightlifting club coach. He also works as a strength and conditioning specialist for women’s volleyball at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas, and for the men’s and women’s volleyball teams at Newman University in Wichita.
Reiman resides in Hillsborough, North Carolina, where he enjoys spending time with his family, hiking in the surrounding hills, and wakeboarding with his children.