Motivating People to Be Physically Active 3rd Edition Online CE Exam Without Book
- Description
Consisting of 100 multiple-choice and true-false questions, this continuing education exam is designed to be taken after reading Motivating People to Be Physically Active, Third Edition. The exam will test your knowledge of the information presented in the book so you can help people overcome sedentary behavior and make physical activity a regular part of their lives.
Once you pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.
Learning Objectives
- Describe physical activity guidelines and the health benefits of meeting the recommended levels of physical activity contained within the guidelines.
- Explain the concepts of motivational readiness and stages of change as applied to physical activity.
- Describe social cognitive theory and other behavioral theories relevant to motivating people to be physically active.
- Identify potential mediators of physical activity behavior change.
- Describe stage-matched intervention strategies and key variables for which clients may benefit from receiving individualized feedback.
- Explain a variety of ways to track physical activity patterns and intensity.
- Assess clients’ physical and psychological readiness to increase physical activity.
- Outline strategies for enhancing clients’ confidence and overcoming barriers to becoming more active.
- Discuss strategies for incorporating the stages of motivational readiness for change model and navigating virtual settings in group-based physical activity programs.
- Describe the benefits of worksite physical activity programs for all stakeholders and summarize best practices, especially for those who work from home or work a hybrid schedule.
- Understand strategies for reaching individuals in community settings and tailoring messages intended to increase physical activity to their needs.
Certified fitness professionals, health education and health promotion professionals, and exercise physiologists.