Kinetic Anatomy 4th Edition Online CE Course With Ebook
- Description
- Table of Contents
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- Kinetic Anatomy, Fourth Edition, ebook
- Online access to HKPropel learning aids
- Online study guide
- Online continuing education exam
Kinetic Anatomy, Fourth Edition, gives you a firm concept of musculoskeletal anatomy by systematically assembling each component of the human body. Layer by layer, you will study bones, ligaments, joints, and muscles as well as the nerves and blood vessels that supply these muscles that are essential for movement. Full-color visual aids and activities invite you to apply your understanding of structural anatomy while exploring how anatomy facilitates movement.
Nearly 400 photos, illustrations, and infographics help you visualize and engage with structural anatomy. Throughout the ebook, Hands On exercises help you physically identify anatomical structures, and Focus On sidebars illustrate circumstances in everyday activity that relate to the specific anatomical structures in the text. Pop quizzes provide an opportunity to strengthen clinical reasoning skills by identifying the muscles shown in the accompanying photo. You will learn what structures are involved in movement and how those structures should function, enabling you to identify problems and correct them to enhance physical activity.
Accompanying the ebook are online learning aids delivered through HKPropel that include anatomy labeling and coloring sheets to test your knowledge of anatomical structures and function, as well as activities and functional movement exercises to demonstrate key points. The study guide also includes learning activities, along with an answer key, to help you prepare for the course exam. Once you complete the course and pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.
Learning Objectives
- Identify all the bones of the human body and their anatomical landmarks.
- Identify the ligaments and tendons that attach the bones and form the major joints of the human body.
- Identify the major muscles of the human body, their position, and their actions.
- Describe the fundamental movements of the human body.
- Identify the major blood vessels and nerves of the human body.
- Communicate using the universal language of human anatomy.
- Apply muscular anatomy to specific training exercises of the upper and lower body and the core.
Certified fitness professionals, strength and conditioning professionals, and athletic trainers.
Chapter 1. Structures
Blood Vessels
Other Tissues
Motor Unit
Chapter 2. Movement
Anatomical Locations
Planes and Axes
Fundamental Movements
Kinetic Chain
Part II. Upper Extremity
Chapter 3. The Shoulder
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Bones of the Shoulder Joint
Joints and Ligaments of the Shoulder Girdle
Ligaments of the Shoulder Joint
Other Ligaments of the Shoulder
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Shoulder Joint
Combined Actions of the Shoulder Girdle and Shoulder Joint
Chapter 4. The Elbow and Forearm
Bones of the Elbow and Forearm
Joints and Ligaments of the Elbow and Forearm
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm
Chapter 5. The Wrist and Hand
Bones of the Wrist and Hand
Joints and Ligaments of the Wrist and Hand
Fundamental Movements of the Wrist and Hand
Extrinsic Muscles of the Wrist and Hand
Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand
Muscles of the Thumb
Chapter 6. Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Upper Extremity
Nerves of the Brachial Plexus
Major Arteries of the Upper Extremity
Major Veins of the Upper Extremity
Part II Summary Tables
Articulations of the Upper Extremity
Muscles, Nerves, and Blood Supply of the Upper Extremity
Part III. The Head, Spinal Column, Thorax, and Pelvis
Chapter 7. The Head
Bones of the Head
Joints of the Head
Ligaments of the Head
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Head
Chapter 8. The Spinal Column and Pelvis
Bones of the Spinal Column
Ligaments of the Spinal Column
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Spinal Column
Bones of the Pelvis
Ligaments of the Pelvis
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Pelvis
Chapter 9. The Thorax
Bones of the Thorax
Joints and Ligaments of the Thorax
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Thorax
Structures Within the Thorax
Chapter 10. Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Head, Spinal Column, Thorax, Heart, and Lungs
The Brain
Peripheral Nervous System
Arteries of the Head and Brain
Veins of the Head and Brain
Nerves of the Thorax and Trunk
Arteries of the Thorax and Trunk
Veins of the Thorax and Trunk
Nerves, Arteries, and Veins of the Heart and Lungs
Part III Summary Tables
Articulations of the Head, Spinal Column, Thorax, and Pelvis
Muscles, Nerves, and Blood Supply of the Head, Thorax, and Spinal Column
Part IV. Lower Extremity
Chapter 11. The Hip and Thigh
Bones of the Hip Joint and Thigh
Ligaments of the Hip Joint
Fundamental Movements of the Hip Joint
Muscles of the Hip Joint and Upper Leg (Thigh)
Chapter 12. The Knee
Bones of the Knee
Ligaments of the Knee
Menisci of the Knee
Fundamental Movements of the Knee and Lower Leg
Muscles of the Knee and Lower Leg
Chapter 13. The Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
Bones of the Lower Leg
Bones of the Foot
Joints and Ligaments of the Ankle and Foot
Fundamental Movements of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
Muscles of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
Chapter 14. Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Lower Extremity
Nerves of the Lumbosacral Plexus
Major Arteries of the Lower Extremity
Major Veins of the Lower Extremity
Part IV Summary Tables
Articulations of the Lower Extremity
Muscles, Nerves, and Blood Supply of the Lower Extremity
Answers to Pop Quiz Questions