The International Sport Coaching Framework (Version 1.2) is an adaptable document that provides a common language and set of principles about coaching on which the worldwide sport community can agree. Created by the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE), the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) and Leeds Metropolitan University (LMU), the Framework represents a significant step toward establishing consensus on the
• primary functions of a coach;
• roles and responsibilities of a coach in athlete development;
• qualifications, knowledge and core competences needed for coaching effectively; and
• methods by which coaches are educated, developed and certified.
The International Sport Coaching Framework incorporates feedback, research and best practices from around the world to provide sport federations, coaching organisations, international federations and educational institutions with considerations for designing, benchmarking and refining their coaching education and certification programmes. The result is a universal platform that facilitates the development of coaches and, ultimately, the enrichment of sport for all.
Chapter 1 Coaching Today
Ever-Higher Expectations
An Athlete-Centred Orientation
A Stronger Development Network
Chapter 2 Coaching Framework Foundations
Global Relevance
Practical and Flexible Applications
Chapter 3 Coaching in Context
Sport-Specific Emphasis
Volunteer or Paid Status
Primary Functions
Key Responsibilities
Chapter 4 Coaching Focus
Sport Participation
Athlete Development
Contextual Fit
Chapter 5 Coaching Roles
Role Requirements
Staff Assignments and Synergy
Chapter 6 Coaching Knowledge and Competence
Knowledge Areas
Professional Knowledge
Interpersonal Knowledge
Intrapersonal Knowledge
Functional Competence
Task-Related Competence
Chapter 7 Coaching Objectives
Developing the Whole Athlete
Teaching Lifelong Lessons
Chapter 8 Coach Development
Long-Term Process
Educational Curriculum
Experiential Learning and Mentorship
Delivery by Coach Developers
Chapter 9 Coach Certification and Recognition
Educational Requirements
Qualifying Standards
Awards and Designations
Chapter 10 Coaching Framework Applications
Create High-Quality Coach Education and Development Programmes
Evaluate and Improve Existing Programmes
Define Areas for Research and Evaluation
Consider and Make Political Decisions
Stimulate Global Exchange
Promote Further Refinement
The International Sport Coaching Framework is a joint endeavour led by the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) and the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF), supported by Leeds Beckett University (LBU) through project administration, technical advice and research. Editors of the publication are Mark Harrington, development manager of the International Rugby Board and chair of the Development and Education Group of ASOIF; Sergio Lara Bercial, senior research fellow at LBU and ICCE technical officer; and the late Patrick Duffy, professor of sport coaching at LBU and vice president of ICCE.
International Council for Coaching Excellence
Formerly the International Council for Coach Education, the ICCE was established in September 1997 as a not-for-profit international organisation with the aim of promoting coaching as an internationally accepted profession. ICCE members seek to enhance the quality of coaching at every level of sport.
More specifically, the ICCE’s mission is to lead and support the global development of coaching as a blended profession and to enhance the quality of coaching at every level in sport, guided by the needs of members, federations, nations and key partners.
The ICCE’s strategic objectives are to fortify its organisational infrastructure, develop an international sport coaching framework, build a community of coaches globally and strengthen the position of coaching as a profession. ICCE partners and markets include national representative bodies responsible for coach development, international federations, institutions that deliver coach education or represent coaches, individuals who design and deliver coach education, coaches and the international sport community at large. Visit the website at
Association of Summer Olympic International Federations
On May 30, 1983, the 21 international federations governing the sports of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games decided to form the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations. This alliance sought to address the issues of common interest in the Summer Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement and any other matter deemed necessary by the international federations.
More formally, ASOIF’s mission today is to unite, promote and support the international summer Olympic federations and to preserve their autonomy while coordinating their common interests and goals.
The international federations have the responsibility to manage and monitor the daily functioning of the world’s various sport disciplines, including the practical organisation of events during the Games and the supervision of the development of athletes practising these sports at every level. Each international federation governs its sport throughout the world and ensures its promotion and development. ASOIF’s members now total 28. Visit the website at
Leeds Beckett University
Through its Carnegie Faculty, LBU has a long tradition in the professional preparation of graduates in physical education, sport science, sport development, physical activity and sport coaching. Through its Research Institute for Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure, the university plays an active role in research and enterprise in the UK and internationally. Since 2011, LBU has become the home of ICCE, and the Global Coaching Office is now housed in Headingley Carnegie Stadium. Visit the website at
“The coach is a central figure in the day-to-day life of the athlete. The International Sport Coaching Framework provides important guidelines on how the coach should support and guide the athlete while working closely with others in an athlete-centred way.”
Sergey Bubka– Chair, IOC Entourage Commission, World-Record Holder, Pole Vault