Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs 6th Edition With Web Resource
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Editor
- Ancillaries
- Excerpts
- Quotes
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the principal cause of death worldwide. It is projected that by 2035, more than 130 million adults in the United States will have CVD. The challenge to CR professionals is to select, develop, and deliver appropriate rehabilitative and secondary prevention services to each patient tailored to their individual needs. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs, Sixth Edition, is the definitive resource for developing inpatient and outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs.
The sixth edition of Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs equips professionals with current scientific and evidence-based models for designing and updating rehabilitation programs. Pedagogical aides such as chapter objectives, bottom line sections, summaries, and sidebars present technical information in an easy-to-follow format. Key features of the sixth edition include the following:
- A new chapter on physical activity and exercise that helps readers understand how to develop and implement exercise programs to CVD patients
- A new chapter on cardiac disease populations that offers readers a deeper understanding of CVD populations, including those with heart valve replacement or repair surgery, left ventricular assist devices, heart transplant, dysrhythmias, and/or peripheral artery disease
- Case studies and discussion questions that challenge readers to consider how concepts from the text apply to real-life scenarios
- An expanded web resource that includes ready-to-use forms, charts, checklists, and logs that are practical for daily use, as well as additional case studies and review questions
Keeping up with change is a professional necessity and keeping up with the science is a professional responsibility. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs, Sixth Edition, covers the entire scope of practice for CR programs and professionals, providing evidence-based information on promoting positive lifestyle behavior patterns, reducing risk factors for disease progression, and lessening the impact of CVD on quality of life, morbidity, and mortality.
Note: The web resource is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web resource is available separately.
 Reference for cardiac rehabilitation specialists, American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) members, exercise physiologists, physical therapists, cardiologists, physicians, nurses, cardiac rehabilitation educators and students, clinical program directors, health care agencies, and insurers.
Ana Mola, PhD, ANP-BC
CR and Population Health Management
CR and Value-Based Care
CR and Care Coordination
Chapter 2. The Continuum of Care: From Inpatient and Outpatient CR to Long-Term Secondary Prevention
Cathie Biga, MSN, FACC
CVD Continuum of Care
Efforts to Reduce Gaps in the Continuum of Care
The Role of CR in the Continuum of Care
Putting It All Together
Chapter 3. CR in Inpatient and Transitional Settings
Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN, FAAN; Ana Mola, PhD, ANP-BC
Assessment, Mobilization, and Risk Factor Management
Discharge Planning
Clinical Pathways
Space and Equipment
Transitional Settings
Chapter 4. Medical Evaluation and Exercise Testing for Outpatient CR
Sherrie Khadanga, MD
Physical Examination
Risk Stratification and Identification of Contraindications for Exercise Training
Chapter 5. Outpatient CR and SP
Philip A. Ades, MD, FACC, MAACVPR
Structure of CR and SP
Assessment and Management of Risk Factors for CVD Progression
Coaching, Case Management, and Counseling
Innovation in CR
Maintenance CR
Future Directions
Chapter 6. Physical Activity and Exercise
Jonathan Myers, PhD
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training
Exercise Recommendations for Patients Without a Recent Exercise Test
PA Outside of CR
Resistance Training
Flexibility Training
Chapter 7. Nutrition Guidelines
Ellen Schaaf Aberegg, MA, LD, RD, FAACVPR
Key Nutrition Principles
Diet Patterns of Nutrition Intake
Evidence-Based Nutrition Guidelines for CVD Risk Factors
Nutrition in the CR Care Process
Dietitian–CR Professional Partnership
Chapter 8. Behavior Modification for Risk Factor Reduction: Guiding Principles and Practice
Diann Galeema, PhD
Overview of Health-Related Behavior Change
Chapter 9. Modifiable CVD Risk Factors
Sheri R. Colberg, PhD, FACSM; Emma Fletcher, MS, MVB; Carly Goldstein, PhD; Paul M. Gordon, PhD, MPH, FACSM; Joel Hughes, PhD, FAACVPR; Jonathan Myers, PhD; Quinn R. Pack, MD, MsC, FAACVPR; Killian Robinson, MD, FAHA, FACC, FACP
Physical Inactivity
Tobacco Use
Overweight and Obesity
Psychosocial Considerations
Environmental Considerations
Chapter 10. Cardiac Disease Populations
Alison L. Bailey, MD, FACC; Alexis L. Beatty, MD, MAS; Brian Carlin, MD, FCCP, MAACVPR, FAARC; Dennis J. Kerrigan, PhD, FACSM; Steven J. Keteyian, PhD; Kirstine Laerum Sibilitz, MD, PhD; Karen Lui, RN, MS, MAACVPR; Ryan Mays, PhD, MPH; Jonathan Powell, MD; Ray W. Squires, PhD; Diane J. Treat-Jacobson, PhD, RN, FAAN
CR for Patients With CVD
Heart Valve Replacement and Repair Surgery
Heart Failure and Left Ventricular Assist Devices
Heart Transplantation
Peripheral Artery Disease
Chronic Lung Disease
Chapter 11. Special Demographic Populations
Justin M. Bachmann, MD, MPH, FACC; Daniel Forman, MD; Naomi Gauthier, MD; Alexander Opotowsky, MD, MPH, MMsc; Marta Supervia MD, MSc, CCRP; Carmen Terzic, MD, PhD
Younger Adults
Older Adults
Women and Men
Race and Culture
Socioeconomic Considerations
Chapter 12. Program Administration
Karen Lui, RN, MS, MAACVPR
Program Priorities
Facilities and Equipment
Organizational Policies and Procedures
Insurance and Reimbursement
Continuum of Care and Services
Chapter 13. Outcomes Assessment and Utilization
Sherry L. Grace, PhD, FCCS, FAACVPR, CRFC
Purposes for Measuring Outcomes
Outcomes Matrix
Measuring, Documenting, Analyzing, and Reporting Program Outcomes
Chapter 14. Management of Medical Problems and Emergencies
Jason L. Rengo, MS, FAACVPR
Potential Risks in Outpatient CR
Intervention Summary
Phase 3 CR Programs
Alternative Models of SP
Appendix A. Example of Standing Orders to Initiate Outpatient CR
Appendix B. Example of Outpatient CR Emergency Standing Orders
Appendix C. Cardiac Rehabilitation Untoward Event—Physician Notification
Appendix D. Daily Emergency Cart Checklist
Appendix E. Monthly Emergency Cart Checklist
Appendix F. Emergency Equipment Maintenance Log
© Doody’s Review Service, 2020, Saroj Khadka, MD, East Tennessee State University Quillen College of Medicine (4-star review)
Example of standing orders to initiate outpatient cardiac rehabilitation
What are cardiac dysrhythmias?
Web resource. Includes reproducible questionnaires, charts, consent forms, protocols, records, checklists, and logs that can be used to create or assess programs, which are also found in the book. The web resource will also serve as a location for AACVPR to post biannual updates to book content when necessary, thereby keeping the guidelines up to date between editions of the text.