This custom ebook includes chapters from Introduction to
Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport, Ninth Edition. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Foundations of Kinesiology (KINE 1331) at Sam Houston State University.
Custom ebook for students taking the course Foundations of Kinesiology (KINE 1331) at Sam Houston State University.
The Dilemma of Our Times: Life Span Physical Activity and the Obesity Health Crisis
Life Span Physical Activity: A Revolution Not Limited by Age or Gender
The Evolution of Physical Activity Philosophies and Programs
Developing an Infrastructure to Support Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyles
Basic Concepts of Physical Education
The Physical Education Profession
The Future of Physical Education: Problems and Barriers to Overcome
Basic Concepts of Fitness and Physical Activity
Fitness and Physical Activity Programs and Professions
Problems and Barriers to Overcome in Fitness
Basic Concepts of Sport
Sport Programs and Professions
Problems and Barriers to Overcome in Sport
The Subdisciplines of Kinesiology That Support Physical Activity Professions
Daryl Siedentop, PED, passed away in 2021. He was a professor emeritus at The Ohio State University. He created the Sport Education model in the 1980s and published his first book on the subject,
Sport Education, in 1994. He also authored several books on physical education, curriculum planning, and sport coaching. Dr. Siedentop earned the 1984 International Olympic Committee President’s Award (Samaranch Award), which is the highest honor for work in sport pedagogy. He was a fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology and received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Alumni Award from Hope College in 1991; the Alliance Scholar Award from American Alliance for Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) in 1994; the Curriculum and Instruction Academy Honor Award from the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) in 1994; the School of HPER Distinguished Alumni Award from Indiana University in 1996; and the McCloy Award from the AAHPERD Research Consortium in 1998.
Hans van der Mars, PhD, is a professor of physical education at Arizona State University. He also taught at the University of Maine and Oregon State University. He has published extensively on teaching and teacher education in physical education, coauthoring well over 100 research and professional papers, books, and book chapters. He also has made over 220 invited, keynote, research, and professional development presentations at international-, national-, regional-, and state-level conferences. Dr. van der Mars is a fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK) and the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE) and is a research fellow of SHAPE America.