Essentials of Eccentric Training With Online Video
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- Table of Contents
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- Excerpts
Essentials of Eccentric Training is the first comprehensive resource covering this innovative approach to resistance training and conditioning that produces extraordinary results. Backed by evidence-based studies and readily incorporated into training programs, eccentric training provides greater intensity to help individuals push past plateaus and increase muscular strength, endurance, and power. Using eccentric training, strength and conditioning professionals and personal trainers can also help their clients improve metabolism, manage their weight, and facilitate injury rehabilitation.
The text provides the physiological explanations, exercises, and sample programs beneficial to introducing eccentric training into clients’ workouts. All facets of this exciting, power-generating modality are detailed by veteran international fitness expert Len Kravitz and champion bodybuilder and personal trainer Aaron Bubbico, who use eccentric training not only with clients but also in their own exercise regimens. The practical information in the book is supported by special features:
• 70 eccentric training exercises are demonstrated through full-color photos and detailed instructions to properly illustrate techniques and minimize risk of injury.
• A selection of 46 online exercise videos explain more complex workout techniques to ensure exercises are properly performed to maximize results. Symbols throughout the book indicate when videos are available online.
• A selection of 24 sample workout plans, six case study workouts, and two sample eight-week training programs provide professionals with a strong starting point to build programs for their clients.
• An appendix lists foundational resistance training exercises across seven popular sports.
• An exercise finder categorized by muscle group makes selecting the right exercises for each client easy.
After establishing a foundation of muscular physiology, the first chapters of Essentials of Eccentric Training explain the three unique ways of using eccentric training: eccentric emphasis, supramaximal training, and the two-up/one-down method. The next two chapters address specific effects of the training method: how it bolsters postworkout metabolic rate and how to minimize delayed-onset muscle soreness. The book’s final six chapters contain exercises and program designs specifically for muscular strength, muscular endurance, explosive power, weight loss, muscle size, and rehabilitation.
Essentials of Eccentric Training imparts every aspect of this groundbreaking training system and its benefits in resistance exercise programs. The method presents boundless opportunities for strength and conditioning specialists and exercise professionals who work with athletes and exercise enthusiasts of all ages and fitness levels.
A comprehensive guide for strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, and fitness coaches who work with clients to meet fitness and athletic performance goals.
Chapter 1. Understanding Muscular Structure and the Physiological Mechanisms of Concentric and Eccentric Action
Muscular System
Gross Structure of Muscle
Muscle Cell Structure and Organization
Muscle Fiber Protein Organization
Actin–Myosin Orientation
The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
Termination of Muscle Action
Muscle Fiber Types
Distribution of Fiber Types in Special Populations
Summary Thoughts
Chapter 2. Discovering the Eccentric Training Methods
Eccentric Emphasis Training Method
Supramaximal Eccentric Training Method
Two-Up/One-Down Eccentric Training Method
Summary Thoughts
Chapter 3. Boosting the Metabolism With Eccentric Exercise
Resting Metabolic Rate
Thermic Effect of Food
Activity Energy Expenditure
Positive Energy Balance
Muscle Metabolism in Eccentric Training
Maximizing Metabolism With Eccentric Exercise
Summary Thoughts
Chapter 4. Eliminating Muscle Soreness With the Repeated Bout Approach
Repeated Bout Effect of Eccentric Training
Implementing the Repeated Bout Effect With a Client
Educating Clients About the Repeated Bout Effect
Understanding Muscle Recovery
Summary Thoughts
Chapter 5. Eccentric raining for Strength
Exercise Program Design
Application Tools for Exercises
Training Intensity Suggestions
Summary Thoughts
Training for Strength
Upper- and Lower-Body Workout Routines for Strength Training
Chapter 6. Eccentric Training for Endurance
Exercise Program Design
Application Tools for Exercises
Summary Thoughts
Training for Endurance
Upper- and Lower-Body Workout Routines for Endurance Training
Chapter 7. Eccentric Training for Explosive Power
Exercise Program Design
Application Tools for Exercises
Summary Thoughts
Training for Explosive Power
Upper- and Lower-Body Workout Routines for Power Training
Chapter 8. Eccentric Training for Weight Loss
Exercise Program Design
Application Tools for Exercises
Summary Thoughts
Training for Weight Loss
Upper- and Lower-Body Workout Routines for Weight Loss
Chapter 9. Eccentric Training for Muscle Hypertrophy
Exercise Program Design
Application Tools for Exercises
Summary Thoughts
Training for Muscle Hypertrophy
Upper- and Lower-Body Workout Routines for Muscle Hypertrophy
Chapter 10. Eccentric Exercise and Rehabilitation
Exercise Program Design
Application Tools for Exercises
Summary Thoughts
Training for Rehabilitation
Upper- and Lower-Body Workout Routines for Rehabilitation
How to use eccentric training with clients
Train to maximize your explosive power
Understand the fundamentals of eccentric training
Change out exercises to add varietyExercise motion for one-arm dumbbell rowOne-arm dumbbell rowUpper- and Lower-Body Workout Routines for Muscle Hypertrophy