Essential Guide for Mental Performance Consultants (Digital Resource), The
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Editor
- Excerpts
The Essential Guide for Mental Performance Consultants is an interactive web-based text that can be used on a variety of devices, offering a practical and affordable way to explore the foundations and applications of sport psychology and mental performance. As readers advance through the text, the following learning aids offer interactive activities and practice opportunities:
- Knowledge statements outline each chapter’s content and describe how it meets required knowledge groups and components from the certification exam.
- Interactive scenarios challenge readers to respond to realistic case studies by selecting appropriate paths to address the situation. Feedback is provided to help readers select the best possible choice at each point in the scenario.
- Check-ins allow readers the opportunity to test their knowledge as they progress through the content with short multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true-false questions. Instant feedback is provided to reveal the correct answer and explain why it’s correct.
- Video summaries at the end of each chapter deliver brief presentations that summarize complex topics efficiently.
- Quizzes at the end of each chapter test readers’ retention with 10 to 20 multiple-choice or true-false questions, offering an opportunity to practice for the certification exam.
- Key terms are bolded throughout, highlighting important content to memorize.
- A final test at the conclusion of the text provides 100 questions that reflect the content and format of the CMPC certification exam. Readers may use this test as a realistic practice opportunity and to identify areas needed for further study.
This interactive text examines the basic principles and advanced applications of mental performance consulting. Section I presents the fundamental principles and theories of sport psychology and mental performance. Section II delves into preferred consulting methods and techniques. Section III explores performance psychology interventions. Section IV discusses the evaluation of consulting and coaching effectiveness. Section V is devoted to special topics and issues, including the psychology of injury and rehabilitation, physiological and neuropsychological bases of performance, ethics and professional issues, and culture and diversity. The guide’s table of contents indicates the exam weight of each section.
The Essential Guide for Mental Performance Consultants equips readers with the expert knowledge and advice they need to succeed as a qualified mental performance consultant. By completing interactive activities and practicing exam study skills, readers will conclude this text feeling confident and prepared to pass the CMPC certification exam and to succeed in their future careers.
Professionals and students preparing for the Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC®) certification exam or individuals interested in deepening their knowledge and understanding of sport psychology and mental performance.
Chapter 2. Foundational Psychological Theories, Models, and Constructs
Chapter 3. Learning and Skill Acquisition
Chapter 4. Leadership Development
Chapter 5. Techniques for Developing Rapport, Trust, and Open Communication With Clients
Chapter 6. Assessment of Individuals, Teams/Groups, & Organizations
Chapter 7. Mental Skills and Tools Related to Performance
Chapter 8. Performance Psychology Interventions
Chapter 9. Evaluation of Consulting and Program Effectiveness
Chapter 10. Coaching Effectiveness
Chapter 11. Psychology of Injury and Rehabilitation
Chapter 12. Physiological and Neuropsychological Bases of Performance
Chapter 13. Ethics and Professional Issues
Chapter 14. Culture and Diversity
AASP promotes the development of science and ethical practices in the field of sport and performance psychology.
AASP is the only place to earn the accredited CMPC® certification, validating the expertise to help clients develop and use mental, life, and self-regulatory skills to optimize performance, enjoyment, and/or personal development in their performance domain. CMPCs are qualified individuals who have completed a combination of educational and work requirements and successfully pass a certification exam.
Sport Psychology Interventions Targeting High-Pressure Situations
The Transtheoretical Model and Sport Psychology