Emotions in Sport
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Author
Emotions in Sport is the first comprehensive treatment of how individual and team emotions affect athletic performance. Edited by renowned Olympic advisor, researcher, and teacher Yuri Hanin, the book provides you with
-a comprehensive understanding of emotional patterns such as anxiety, anger, and joy, as well as their impact on individual and team performance;
-solid methods for determining the optimal emotional state of individual athletes;
-innovative strategies for avoiding overtraining, burnout, and fatigue, while helping enhance performance;
-an overview of injury management and the positive emotional states that can actually accelerate the healing process; and
-a long-overdue look at exercise, emotions, and mental health.
Created and developed by Dr. Hanin during 30 years as a sport psychologist, the Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model is the key conceptual framework in Emotions in Sport. The model can help you describe, predict, and explain the dynamics of emotion/performance for individual athletes and provides you with strategies for creating optimal emotional states and enhancing athletic performance.
Appendixes to the volume include a reproducible IZOF model form and step-by-step data collection instructions for your use.
Emotions in Sport incorporates the insights, wisdom, and experience of authorities worldwide to give you a new perspective on this important subject and its impact on athletes.
Reference for sport psychologists and coaches. Textbook for graduate courses and seminars in sport psychology.
Introduction. An Individualized Approach to Emotion in Sport
Part I. Foundations of the Individualized Approach to the Study of Performance-Related Emotions
Chapter 1. The Study of Emotion in Sport and Exercise: Historical, Definitional, and Conceptual Perspectives
Robert Vallerand and Cï¿œline J.M. Blanchard (Canada)
Chapter 2. Cognitive-Motivational-Relational Theory of Emotion
Richard S. Lazarus (United States)
Chapter 3. Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF)
Model: Emotion-Performance Relationships in Sport
Yuri L. Hanin (Finland)
Part II. Basic Emotions and Athletic Performance
Chapter 4. Competitive Anxiety
John S. Raglin and Yuri L. Hanin (United States/Finland)
Chapter 5. Anger, Aggressive Behavior and Athletic
Leif Isberg (Sweden)
Chapter 6. Joy, Fun and Flow State in Sport
Susan A. Jackson (Australia)
Chapter 7. Successful and Poor Performance and Emotions
Yuri L. Hanin (Finland)
Part III. Three Approaches to Training and Emotional
Chapter 8. Overtraining in Athletes
John S. Raglin and Gregory S. Wilson (United States)
Chapter 9. Burnout in Athletes and Coaches
K. Wolfgang Kallus and Michael Kellman (Austria/Germany)
Chapter 10. Maladaptive Fatigue Syndrome and Emotions in Sport
Keith Henschen (United States)
Part IV. Additional Issues in Emotion and Sport
Chapter 11. The Injured Athlete
John Heil (United States)
Chapter 12. Exercise, Emotions, and Mental Health
Stuart Biddle (United Kingdom)
Concluding Remarks. Where to From Here?
Appendix A. Introduction to the IZOF-Based Individualized Emotion-Profiling Forms
Appendix B. IZOF-Based Emotion Profiling: Step-Wise Procedures and Forms
Appendix C. Practical Example of IZOF Profiles