Complete Guide to Primary Dance With Web Resource
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Author
- Ancillaries
- Excerpts
If you think you lack the necessary training for teaching dance in the primary classroom and are searching for resources to support teaching and learning, look no further. Through Complete Guide to Primary Dance, you’ll gain the insight, expertise and confidence to teach dance to children from reception to year 6.
Regardless of your experience, this book and accompanying web resource will enable you to plan and deliver age-appropriate learning experiences for your children. Complete Guide to Primary Dance offers
• a wealth of practical and creative ideas that you can use in your teaching, whether you are new to teaching, have little dance experience or are a dance specialist;
• a scheme of 22 units of work for teaching children from reception to year 6; and
• a companion web resource that includes a bank of photos, video clips, warm-ups and written resources to assist you in your teaching.
You can download and print the photographs from the web resource to demonstrate and inspire good practice. The video clips show progression in learning through bite-sized steps that will help you guide the children to create and perform dances in real time.
In addition, you can view two complete class dances and a number of dance phrases on the video clips to use with your classes. These photographs and clips supplement the written resources on the web, which include stories, a poem, word banks, warm ups and complete units of work along with a template that can be used for designing your own unit of work.
Complete Guide to Primary Dance draws on and is complementary to the National Dance Teachers Association partnerships with Youth Dance England, Dance UK, the Association for Physical Education and Youth Sports Trust. Teaching points are aligned with each task, helping you to know what to look for, what to emphasise, how to develop the movement material and how to challenge the children appropriately.
Written by Lyn Paine, a highly regarded teacher trainer and author of many dance resources, Complete Guide to Primary Dance is the definitive dance resource that is based on current best practices in schools. In addition to dance subject knowledge for teaching, you’ll find the chapters on managing learning and assessing most helpful. Together, this book and web resource present a clear vision for dance education and its potential to develop children and young people’s well-being and enhance their lives.
Teaching guide for primary school teachers and teaching assistants in the UK. Reference for dance coaches.
Chapter 1. Why Dance?
What Is Dance and What Makes It Unique?
Benefits of Dance
Key Skills
Dance and Culture
Inclusive Practice
Dance Beyond the Classroom
Dance in the Curriculum
High-Quality Dance Outcomes
Chapter 2. The Dance Model
Brief History of Dance in Education
Integrated Approach to Performance, Composition and Appreciation
Chapter 3. Ingredients of Dance
Actions (What the Body Does)
Dynamics (How the Body Moves)
Space (Where the Body Moves)
Relationships (How We Dance With Others)
Chapter 4. From Ideas to Dances
Planning the Dance Experience
Planning for Progression
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Types of Dance
Styles of Dance
Choreographic Knowledge for the Teacher
Chapter 5. Warming Up, Cooling Down, and Safe Practice
Warming Up
Cooling Down
Safe Practice
Chapter 6. Managing the Learning
Establishing an Ethos
Managing Behaviour
Establishing Routines
Managing the Space
Pace and Momentum
Dance Space
Role of the Adult
Inclusive Practice
Chapter 7. Assessing Dance
Assessment for Learning (Formative Assessment)
Summative Assessment
How Do Children Develop in Dance?
Expectations for Dance
Chapter 8. Dance and the Curriculum
Creative Curriculum
Dance and Literacy
Dance and Numeracy
Dance and Science
Dance and Physical Education
Dance and the Arts
Dance and Humanities
Dance and Information Technology
Dance, Design and Technology
Chapter 9. Resources for Dance
Music for Dance
Professional Dance
Professional Dance Artists
Dance for All: Differentiation and Inclusion
The Value of Dance for Primary Children