Breathe, Focus, Excel Online CE Exam With Print Book
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Author
- Breathe, Focus, Excel book
- Online continuing education exam
In Breathe, Focus, Excel, Harvey Martin—breathing coach for top athletes and teams in the MLB, NHL, and NFL—explains the science behind breath work and how breathing affects various systems of the body. Like any skill, breathing is a fundamental movement pattern that requires training to achieve mastery. Breathe, Focus, Excel offers breathing exercises that will expand the rib cage, protect the spine, and strengthen the pelvic floor. More importantly, each exercise is designed to help you improve performance in your clients and athletes:
- Generate more power
- Move with greater efficiency and ease
- Expedite recovery
- Improve aerobic capacity
- Enhance decision-making and focus in competition
- Reduce anxiety in high-stress, competitive situations
Breathe, Focus, Excel draws the connection between breathing and performance. Applicable to any sport, the invaluable instruction and real examples help you build more efficient and effective breathing that will unlock your clients’ performance potential.
After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the fundamentals of breath awareness.
- Explain the anatomy, physiology, and psychology involved with breathing.
- Describe the impact of breathing on athletic performance.
- Summarize the influence of breathing mechanics on the body and mind.
- Define effective breathing mechanics.
- Assess current breathing mechanics.
- Recognize breathing techniques to influence emotional states and overcome negative thinking.
- Practice warm-up protocols and testing measurements for breathing practices.
- Distinguish the differences among breathing assessments.
- Apply breathing exercises that help control exhalation and build awareness of muscles used in respiration.
- Employ breathing exercises that bring awareness to the pelvic floor and focus on inhalation, rib cage mobility, and spine mobility.
- Demonstrate recovery breathing exercises.
- Identify the benefits and risks of breath control in cold and in heat.
- Evaluate the best practices for implementing breath control protocols in cold and in heat.
Personal trainers, strength and conditioning professionals, yoga teachers, and other certified fitness professionals who work with serious athletes who want to improve performance.
Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Breath Awareness
Chapter 2. The Anatomy and Physiology of Breathing
Chapter 3. Athletic Performance and the Breath
Chapter 4. Emotions and the Breath
Part II. Breathing Exercises
Chapter 5. Exercises to Test and Measure the Breath
Chapter 6. Oxygenation Exercises
Chapter 7. Strengthening Exercises
Chapter 8. Recovery, Relaxation, and Emotional Regulation Exercises
Chapter 9. Environmental Stress Exercises