Advances in Motivation in Sport and Exercise-3rd Edition
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Editor
- Excerpts
- Quotes
Advances in Motivation in Sport and Exercise, Third Edition, presents the most current information in sport and exercise motivation, including discussion of new research surrounding self-determination theory and goal achievement theory, traditional topics of goal setting and self-efficacy, and newer areas of attention such as passion and perfectionism. Readers not only will gain knowledge in one of the leading areas of sport psychology research but also learn how the research can inform their current practice.
In this third edition, editors Glyn Roberts and Darren Treasure, along with a highly respected team of contributors, offer sport and exercise psychology researchers and students the most up-to-date review of the state of research in motivation. As in previous editions, the text chronicles the growth of motivation research and its role in physical activity, exercise, and sport. The star team of contributors offers thoughtful discussion of key issues and findings for readers to consider and insight into both the conceptual understanding of motivation and its application.
Advances in Motivation in Sport and Exercise, Third Edition, begins by introducing readers to new trends and interpretations in motivational theory. Each chapter of the text discusses a unique motivational theory and its contemporary contribution to the field of knowledge. Whether research or practically inclined, readers will be enlightened through the use of these features:
• Presentation of differing perspectives and approaches that make up the current state of research in the most vibrant of topics in sport and exercise psychology
• Future Directions for Research and Practical Applications sections at the end of each chapter that help demonstrate how the chapters’ content is applied to real-world practice
• An extensive reference list that serves as a tool for finding further resources and continuing study of motivation
The third edition of Advances in Motivation in Sport and Exercise helps readers learn how the theories of motivation can be applied in exercise, sport, and physical activity contexts. Thoughtfully compiled by a respected editor and contributor team, this comprehensive text serves as a review of current research and a resource for further study and applications for researchers, students, and practitioners.
A reference for sport and exercise psychology researchers and academic libraries. Also a text for graduate-level courses in sport and exercise psychology, behavior change, sport performance, and coaching strategies.
Part I: Contemporary Theories of Motivation: New Directions and Interpretations
Chapter 1. Motivation in Sport and Exercise From an Achievement Goal Theory Perspective: After 30 Years, Where Are We?
Glyn C. Roberts
Motivation and Achievement Behavior
Motivational Implications of Task or Ego Involvement
Evidence Summary
Counterpoints to the Counterarguments
Parsimony, Elegance, and Conceptual Coherence in Sport Psychology
And the Point Is?
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 2. The Place of Achievement Goals in the Social Context of Sport: A Comparison of Nicholls’ and Elliot’s Models
Athanasios G. Papaioannou, Nikos Zourbanos, Haralampos Krommidas, and George Ampatzoglou
Review on Trichotomous and Two-by-Two Findings in Sport
A Comparison Between Elliot’s and Nicholls’ Models
Interpretation of Findings Based on the Trichotomous and Two-by-Two Models
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 3. A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Motivation in Sport and Physical Education: Current Trends and Possible Future Research Directions
Nikos Ntoumanis
Sociocontextual Environment
Satisfaction and Thwarting of Psychological Needs
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 4. Perfectionism: A Foundation for Sporting Excellence or an Uneasy Pathway Toward Purgatory?
Howard K. Hall, Andrew P. Hill, and Paul R. Appleton
Perfectionism in Elite Sport Performers
Empirical Evidence of Perfectionism in Sport
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 5. The Dualistic Model of Passion in Sport and Exercise
Robert J. Vallerand
Psychology of Passion
Initial Research on the Concept of Passion
Development of Passion
Passion and Intrapersonal Outcomes
Passion and Interpersonal and Intergroup Outcomes
Passionate Functioning Under Various Situations
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 6. Goal Setting to Enhance Motivation in Sport
Glyn C. Roberts and Elsa Kristiansen
Goal Setting
A Search for Theory
Achievement Goal Theory
Goal Involvement
Achievement Goal Orientations
Motivational Climate
Achievement Goal Theory and Goal Setting
Why Goal Setting Works
Managing the Motivation of Others
Goal Setting as a Motivational Strategy for Injuries and Rehabilitation
Managing Individual Motivation
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Part II: Understanding the Psychological Determinants and Mediators of Physical Activity Behavior
Chapter 7. Self-Determination Theory and Exercise Motivation: Facilitating Self-Regulatory Processes to Support and Maintain Health and Well-Being
Martyn Standage and Richard M. Ryan
Basic Components of SDT and Mapping of Minitheories
Self-Determination Theory in Exercise Science Research
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 8. Self-efficacy and Motivation in Physical Activity and Sport: Mediating Processes and Outcomes
Todd A. Gilson and Deborah L. Feltz
Theoretical Overview of Self-Efficacy
Individual-Level Self-Efficacy Research
Collective Efficacy Research
Coaching Efficacy Research
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 9. Social Cognitive Approaches to Understanding Exercise Motivation and Behavior in Cancer Survivors
Jeff K. Vallance and Kerry S. Courneya
Cancer Treatments
Exercise and Cancer Survivorship
Physical Activity Prevalence in Cancer Survivors
Exercise Motivation in Cancer Survivors
Exercise Behavior in Cancer Survivors
Theory of Planned Behavior
Social-Cognitive Theory
Self-Determination Theory
Exercise Beliefs Among Cancer Survivors
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 10. Understanding Exercise Behavior: A Self-Presentational Perspective
Kathleen A. Martin Ginis and Diane Mack
Theoretical Perspectives on Self-Presentation and Exercise Motivation
Role of Self-Presentation in Exercise Motivation
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Chapter 11. Interventions for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
Stuart J.H. Biddle, Nanette Mutrie, Trish Gorely, and Avril Blamey
Role of Motivation: Understanding the Ecological and Behavioral Epidemiology Frameworks
Theories Typically Used in Physical Activity Interventions
Types and Settings for Interventions
Behavior Change: Issues of Theory and Interventions
A Framework for Evaluating Interventions
Intervention Planning and Evaluation
Examples of Physical Activity Behavior Change
Sedentary Behavior Change
Practical Applications
Directions for Future Research
Glyn C. Roberts, PhD, has been a professor of psychology at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences since 1998. He was a professor of sport psychology in the department of kinesiology at the University of Illinois. His research has focused on the motivational determinants of achievement, and he has been particularly concerned with the motivation of children in the competitive sport experience. Dr. Roberts has focused on how coaches coach and how the climate the coach creates affects the motivation, achievement, and persistence of children and adolescents. He has been involved in research grants for over $2 million. He has over 200 publications, including 15 books and more than 70 book chapters. He has several distinguished scholar awards, including the Honour Award of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP, 1997) and the Coleman Griffith Scholar Award for 2008 of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). Dr. Roberts is a distinguished scholar of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA, 1998). Dr. Roberts was president of NASPSPA (1981-82), president of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (1999-2003), founding president of Division 12 (Sport Psychology) of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP, 1994-1998), and president of AASP (2010-11). He has also served as the secretary general of ISSP and has been on the board of directors of IAAP (1984-1996; 2006-2014). He is a fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education and a founding fellow of AASP, and he is one of only two sport psychologists who have been elected a fellow of IAAP.
Darren C. Treasure, PhD, is a former tenured associate professor at Arizona State University with an appointment in the department of kinesiology and an adjunct position in the department of psychology. Darren has held faculty positions at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. He has published over 50 scientific articles and book chapters on motivation and the psychology of peak performance and made invited keynote presentations at conferences in France, Norway, Finland, and the United Kingdom. Treasure currently resides in Portland, Oregon, where he consults with Nike in the role of high-performance director for the Oregon Project, a program that provides elite-level Nike-sponsored U.S. distance runners with the coaching, sports medicine, and sport science necessary for competing at the international level and ultimately winning medals at World Championships and the Olympic Games. From 2005 to 2009 Treasure was the author and lead consultant on a high-performance initiative in the athletic department at the University of California at Berkeley that enhances coaching, sports medicine, and sport science support systems. Dr. Treasure is the author of the hugely successful National Federation of State High School Associations’ core coaching education course, Fundamentals of Coaching launched in 2007.
“As one of the only books reviewing current information on motivation in sport, exercise, and physical activity, this book contributes uniquely to the field of sport and exercise psychology and is a testament to the growth of motivation research and application.”
—Doody’s Book Review
Parsimony, elegance, conceptual coherence valuable to motivation theory
Strategies for improving evidence of physical activity intervention effectiveness