NSCA’s Guide to Program Design Online CE Course With Print Book
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Author
- NSCA’s Guide to Program Design book
- Online study guide
- Online continuing education exam
NSCA’s Guide to Program Design Online CE Course offers guidelines and protocols for developing training programs for specific athletes at specific times of year. Developed by experts from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this course examines the considerations and challenges in developing a program for each key fitness component and fitness performance goal. It moves beyond the simple template presentation of program design to help professionals grasp the reasons and procedures for sequencing training in a safe, sport-specific manner.
Based on the NSCA’s Guide to Program Design book, this course progresses sequentially through the program design process. It begins by examining the process of athlete needs assessment as well as performance testing considerations and selection. Next, you’ll find performance-related information on dynamic and static stretching and dynamic warm-up protocols and exercises. Evidence-based information is provided on program development, including considerations and adaptations as well as methods and strategies for resistance, power, anaerobic, endurance, agility, speed, and balance and stability training. Finally, you’ll explore training integration, periodization, and implementation.
The study guide includes learning activities, along with an answer key, to help you prepare for the course exam (composed of 100 multiple-choice questions).
Once you complete the course and pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.
Learning Objectives
- Understand all aspects of a needs analysis and its implications to training.
- Implement assessment programs to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs.
- Understand the influence of dynamic warm-up protocols on injury risk.
- Apply the concepts of progressive overload, specificity, and variation to resistance training programs.
- Manipulate training variables and select optimal exercises to match the goals of the program and avoid training plateaus.
- Identify the differences between aerobic and anaerobic-based sports and the training needs of each.
- Identify the metabolic demands of a sport and understand how metabolic adaptations to training can affect performance.
- Understand when to implement balance, stability, speed, and agility training in overall program design.
- Understand the theories behind various principles of periodization and program design.
- Utilize different training phases to optimize performance.
A continuing education course for certified fitness professionals, including strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, and athletic trainers.
William J. Kraemer, PhD, Brett A. Comstock, MA, James E. Clark, MS, and Courtenay Dunn-Lewis, MA
Metabolic Demands of the Sport
Biomechanical Demands of the Sport
Injury Risks of the Sport
Integrating the Needs Analysis
Chapter 2. Athlete Testing and Program Evaluation
Jay R. Hoffman, PhD
Factors That Affect Performance Testing
Test Selection
Practical Considerations for Test Administration
Tests for Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation
Chapter 3. Dynamic Warm-Up
Avery D. Faigenbaum, EdD
Static Stretching and Performance
Dynamic Warm-Up and Performance
Developing a Dynamic Warm-Up Protocol
Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises
Chapter 4. Resistance Training
Nicholas A. Ratamess, PhD
Adaptations to Resistance Training
Customizing Resistance Training Programs
Resistance Training Program Variables
Chapter 5. Power Training
Robert U. Newton, PhD, Prue Cormie, PhD, and William J. Kraemer, PhD
Factors Contributing to Power Output
Targeting Power Development
Training Methods for Power Development
Selecting Load and Velocity for Power Development
Chapter 6. Anaerobic Conditioning
Jay R. Hoffman, PhD
Physiological Adaptations From Anaerobic Conditioning Programs
Developing Anaerobic Conditioning Programs
Anaerobic Conditioning Exercises
Chapter 7. Endurance Training
Joel T. Cramer, PhD, and Abbie E. Smith, PhD
Factors in Aerobic Endurance Performance
Aerobic Endurance Training Variables
Aerobic Endurance Training Strategies
Periodization for Aerobic Endurance Training
Chapter 8. Agility Training
Lee E. Brown, EdD, and Andy V. Khamoui, MS
Factors in Agility Performance
Assessing Agility
Training for Agility
Agility Program Design
Chapter 9. Speed Training
Jay R. Hoffman, PhD, and John F. Graham, MS
Factors in Speed Performance
Sprinting Mechanics and Technique
Speed Program Design
Chapter 10. Balance and Stability Training
Nejc Sarabon, PhD
Program Planning and Periodization
Safe Progression for Balance Exercises
Stability Training for Joint Systems
Chapter 11. Training Integration and Periodization
G. Gregory Haff, PhD, and Erin E. Haff, MA
General Principles of Periodization
Training Periods
Sequencing and Integration of the Training Process
Practical Guidelines
Chapter 12. Training Program Implementation
Jay R. Hoffman, PhD, Lee E. Brown, EdD, and Abbie E. Smith, PhD
Workout Sessions
Off-Season Training
Competitive Season
Considerations for Aerobic Endurance Athletes
Program Evaluation