This custom ebook includes chapters from I
ntroduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition;
The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition; and
Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education. It has been specifically designed for students taking the courses Physical Education I, II, and III—Instructional Methods in a Single Subject Classroom (TED 548, TED 549, and TED 550) at California State University–East Bay.
Custom ebook for students taking the courses Physical Education I, II, and III—Instructional Methods in a Single Subject Classroom (TED 548, TED 549, and TED 550) at California State University–East Bay.
Purpose, Benefits, and Philosophy
Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
21st Century Skills in Physical Education
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Developing Physically Literate Individuals
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Scope and Sequence
From Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Unit and Lesson Planning
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Organization and Instruction
From Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Planning Developmentally Appropriate Content
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Curriculum Models as Organizing Frameworks
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Behavior Management
From Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Understanding Social-Emotional Learning and Using Trauma-Informed Practices
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Establishing and Managing a Safe Learning Environment
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Duties and Challenges
From Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
The Time Is Now: UDL in Physical Education
From Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education
Assessing Student Learning
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Student Assessment
From Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Technology and Resources
From Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Advocacy, Professionalism, and Professional Development
From The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education, Second Edition
Jane M. Shimon, EdD, ATC, is a professor and the codirector of the K-12 Physical Education Program at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho. She was named the Outstanding College Educator of the Year by Idaho AHPERD in 2006 and was the University Educator of the Year for AAHPERD’s Northwest District in 2007.
Shimon has firsthand experience in teaching physical education and health at the secondary level and has been teaching an Introduction to Physical Education class since 2000. She has supervised student teachers in rural, urban, and suburban areas in many states across the country. These experiences have broadened her views of physical education programs and teaching practices.
Shimon has been a member of various state organizations for SHAPE America and has served on the editorial board of Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and on a subcommittee for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. She is also a retired certified athletic trainer and is a member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. She enjoys cycling on the roads and in the mountains, painting with watercolors, and reading mysteries and historical fiction.
Steve Mitchell, PhD, is a professor of physical education teacher education at Kent State University. He has BS and MA degrees in physical education and education from Loughborough University in England and a PhD in education from Syracuse University. Steve has coauthored four other books with Human Kinetics and has numerous refereed journal publications to his credit. He has also made dozens of keynote addresses and scholarly presentations. Mitchell is a member of SHAPE America (formerly AAHPERD), serving on many committees for that organization. He is a past president of the Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (OAHPERD). In 2005, he received the NASPE Physical Education Teacher Education Honor Award.
Jennifer L. Walton-Fisette, EdD, is an associate professor of physical education teacher education in the School of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Studies at Kent State University. She obtained her BS in physical education from Rhode Island College, MS in sport pedagogy from Ithaca College, and EdD in physical education teacher education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Her scholarship explores the critical examination of girls’ lived experiences and embodied identities in physical education and physical activity through student voice, assessment, and curriculum development. She is currently exploring how sociocultural issues are included and addressed in PETE programs locally, nationally, and internationally. Dr. Walton-Fisette has published 3 books and more than 20 research articles. She was a member of the PE Metrics writing team on both editions and is actively involved with SHAPE America, OAHPERD, and other associations.
Lauren J. Lieberman, PhD, is a distinguished service professor at the College at Brockport, State University of New York. She has taught higher education since 1995 and previously taught at Perkins School for the Blind. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in adapted physical education. She is on the editorial board of the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (JOPERD).
Lieberman has written 20 books on adapted physical education and more than 130 peer-reviewed articles. She started Camp Abilities, an overnight educational sports camp for children with visual impairments. This camp is now replicated in 20 states and eight countries. She was awarded a Global Fulbright Scholarship to replicate Camp Abilities in Ghana, Ireland, and Brazil in fall 2019.
Lieberman is past chair of the Adapted Physical Activity Council (APAC). She is currently on the board of the division of recreation and sport for the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and she has served on the board of the United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA). In her leisure time, she enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee, biking, running, kayaking, hiking, reading, and playing the guitar.
Michelle Grenier, PhD, is an associate professor and coordinator of the adapted physical education program at the University of New Hampshire. She has substantial experience working in the field of physical education and utilizing inclusive strategies for students with disabilities. She is an accomplished researcher and is editor of the text Physical Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Dr. Grenier is internationally recognized for her work on inclusion and has presented extensively on her research. She is the incoming president of the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID).
Ali Brian, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of physical education and the director of the Adapted Physical Education/Activity Research Lab at the University of South Carolina. Her teaching includes adapted physical education, elementary physical education methods, motor development, assessment and instrumentation, and research methods. Dr. Brian’s research, which includes over 120 presentations and 60 peer reviewed articles, focuses on creating ecologically valid intervention strategies for preschool-aged children with and without disabilities as well as youth with visual impairments. Dr. Brian also focuses on exploring underlying mechanisms that support positive developmental trajectories for health for all children. She is the research director for the Institute of Movement Studies for Individuals with Visual Impairments (IMSVI) and a member of the SHAPE America Research Council, the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) executive committee, and the International Motor Development Research Consortium (I-MDRC) executive committee. Dr. Brian also is on the editorial board for Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy and is an associate editor of Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.
Katrina Arndt, PhD, is a professor of inclusive education at St. John Fisher College. Prior to entering higher education, she was a paraprofessional and teacher in the public schools in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the Rochester, New York, area for many years. Arndt’s research interests include support for students with disabilities in inclusive settings, inclusion of students who are deaf-blind, and critical analysis of text and film representations of disability. She is the coauthor of the books Teach Everyone and Picture Inclusion! and the 2019 recipient of Starbridge’s Inclusion Award.